Monday, July 18, 2011

You know what I love about Arizona?/Going to cover a song soon

The fact that it's cloudy outside and looks like rain but it's still 104 degrees.  Summer, you little devil.

 Anyhoo, I'm going to make a video of myself covering a song on guitar soon.  I'm not sure what song I should do, so I'm calling out for help.  I would like you guys to maybe list some songs I could cover.  Nothing too hard please.  I look forward to any requests!

EDIT: I can do both electric and acoustic guitar.


  1. I didn't mind the dry heat when I was living in Las Vegas, the humidity kills here in Illinois. =\

  2. Oh man, I remember a few weeks ago when it rained hard here. The day after, the humidity was AWFUL. Like I felt like I could barely breathe. I'm sure it was nothing compared to what you're used to though.

  3. Mazzy Star - I've been let down.

  4. I'll look into it! Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. "it's cloudy outside and looks like rain"
    I hate you.
    I want that!

    Anyhow, Bruce Springsteen- The river.
    Acoustic. Nice and easy.

    Following and supporting! :)

  6. so it's gonna rain, and still be dry as a bone? ouch

  7. It's not even gonna rain anymore :(. So it's just going to be hot as fuck DDD:.

  8. Cover a song by Incubus! They're are a great band with meaningful lyrics.

  9. how about a song by arcade fire?

  10. I will look into all your suggestions guys! I'm torn between your suggestions and "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand haha.

  11. Ween-A Tear For Eddie. It'd be a great cover.

  12. I feel you on the weather thing. I'm right above you in Arkansas, and it can be raining outside with temps still sitting at 90+ degrees.

    And I couldn't think of a song until someone said "Take Me Out" my vote is that.
